Jake Shehaan is danger personified. His every step is a threat, his every word a promise.
These qualities have led him to be the longest-reigning heavyweight champion of the modern era, a conqueror of the North Island scene.
Cool Guy Sky currently rules in the south. All flight, all flamboyance. He holds the gold in Invercargill, a neon target painted on his back. He backs down from no one.
Though their personalities are as distanced as their home bases, no two men could be more alike in their stature. So it begs the simple question: who is better? Shehaan versus Sky. Which way will this go? Find out. BOOK NOW for Aotearoa Wrestling LIVE: Avondale!

Aotearoa Wrestling LIVE: Avondale Saturday October 5 2024, show begins 6pm Avondale Performing Arts Centre Victor Street, Avondale